Thursday, January 3, 2013

The Creative Path

I'm back!

It's not as impressive as it sounds.  I got distracted by *stuff* and found that doing my blog posts was no longer a priority.  It doesn't mean I haven't been doing my art or writing.  In fact I've been doing lots more of both...and plan to do lots more this year.

NaNoWriMo was a blast and because of that I'm interested in doing Camp NaNo this year - twice.  I haven't totally given up on Illustration Friday but I have gone in the direction of the Art Journal/Smash Book for now.  I bought a couple of moleskin journals and with the help of a lot of YouTube tutorials I'm learning the tricks of the trade and loving every minute of it.  I hope to share the flips just as soon as I learn how to make them :-)

Which brings me to the plan for this year: THE CREATIVE PATH.

The Creative Path is a 52 week creative challenge that I am embarking on so I can remain true to my creative development but also so that I can use that creative walk to improve myself as a person being.  To live, to love and to share and grow and remain accountable to this creative journey.

The creative work will revolve around my art journal/smash book and a monthly theme.  I intend to include writing as well.  This blog will have at least one weekly post featuring the art work for that week.  I will write no less than 2,000 words of fiction as either a part of a longer story or as a short complete story.  I will probably share a few of the short stories (especially flash fiction) when I can.  I will work on at least one article for my personal magazine/newsletter which I hope to start sharing as well. begins.

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