Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Illustration Friday: Subtract

Subtract (c) 2009 Nahellenia

daylight turns to dusk
dusk descends to darkness
sunshine subtracts slowly
left to linger in moonlight
a thousand stars beckon
a thousand crickets sing

dawn gives up the darkness
light comes back again
morning blooms and all is bright
and birds begin to sing
so the day is born again...
subtract it from your life

I did this in my (quickly becoming) favourite style. I did the dark ground in grafite dust then slowly added the definition by erasing it away the sun and the hightlights in the water and sky. The dark tones were added with a pencil then highlights subtracted with the same eraser technique.


  1. This is very good! The darkness/highlights gives a sensation of solitude/loneliness.

    Well done!

  2. The poem is lovely and is a beautiful way of ushering in a new beginning. I would also love to be the guy in the boat watching the sunset and sunrise.
    Great picture!

  3. the image reminds me of a lonely soul.

    Sitting here, tired and bored, I look
    Out the window and into the trees by the brook
    Chirping away, the humming bird at me winks
    So sleek, so beautiful, she peers at a soul so bleak
    As she whispers her melody, mine eyes will take a break.

    Into the emptiness below I tremble and fumble
    Eyes so tired and legs so heavy, I fear to tumble
    Deeply I seek and crave for one so nimble and gentle
    The one who once tranced here like a trapeze on fire
    Now extinguished by life’s tempestous dreams and fear

    Still, with hope and passion I dare to believe
    That the once fiery innocence will one day thrive
    And restore the joys, the laughters and all the rave
    Now, mine eyes glint with glee and hope above
    Knowing that the tide will pass, and hope will live.
